Barron Associates’ Hospital Fall Detection System Begins Laboratory Study

Falls represent a significant healthcare problem with substantial associated morbidity and mortality. In an inpatient environment, it is necessary to identify injurious falls quickly in order to reduce the potential for, and impact of, serious or fatal injuries. Falls are consistently the most frequently reported adverse event in hospitals; up to 20% of patients fall at least once during their hospitalization, with higher proportions among those with cognitive impairment. Falls are major contributors to disability, result in physical and emotional injury, and are a leading cause of death in older adults.

Barron Associates has developed the FallCall system, which embodies a wearable instrument and supporting infrastructure for use by healthcare providers to detect and report falls and their locations expeditiously in order to reduce staff response time and minimize the potential for patient injury after a fall occurs. The proposed system will also improve fall reporting, which is an essential component of hospital fall prevention programs.

The FallCall system is currently undergoing a first round of clinical testing in a motion laboratory where many types of falls will be analyzed. Following the laboratory study, the system will be deployed for use with inpatients in a hospital field trial.