
Navy Phase I Awarded for “Automated Knowledge Base Extraction and Student Assessment”

Effective tools for evaluating the proficiency of warfighters at employing complex systems in an operational setting are essential to ensure operational capability within the Navy and other branches of the DoD. Generating exams with answer keys is a time-consuming process, made more difficult by the complexity of both the systems and the operational employment of […]

Paper Presented at AIAA Aviation Conference: Rapid Multi-Objective UAS Mission Planning for Operational Risk Management

Current aircraft operations within the National Airspace System (NAS) rely heavily on the presence of an on-board pilot to safely manage the flight. Integration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) into the NAS requires a high confidence that these unmanned aircraft operations can meet or exceed the safety afforded through manned operations. Specifically, these UAS operations […]

NASA Phase I Selected for Award: Low-SWaP and Low-Cost Autonomous Landing Area Confirmation Scan (AutoLACS) Tool

The air transportation system is on the verge of drastic change.  Companies are envisioning Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) operations, providing “air-taxi” and cargo services.  AAM and other future operations will require new approaches to address long-standing issues that have, to date, been handled by well-trained pilots.  Among the most important is the ability to autonomously […]

Rodent Physiologic Analysis and Recording (RODAR) System Evaluation Concludes

The overall goal of this multi-year R&D program was to design, build, and evaluate the RODAR system. The RODAR system provides the capability to monitor multiple vertebrates simultaneously, with continuous recording, synchronization, and display of physiological and/or environmental data. Physiologic data are collected via miniature, lightweight Remote Physiologic Modules (RPMs) that are worn on the […]

Barron Associates Awarded Grant to Develop Noninvasive, Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring System

High blood pressure is a substantial public health problem that affects 45% of adults (75% of individuals over age 65) and is a leading cause of excess cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Static BP snapshots, which are typically obtained via sphygmomanometry during doctor’s office visits, have documented reliability issues, including “white-coat” hypertension and poor technique. Barron […]

Best Paper Award for Research on Intelligent Wind Estimation

Barron Associates received a best paper award for work on intelligent wind estimation recently presented in the Unmanned VTOL during the Vertical Flight Society’s 79th Forum.  The paper entitled, Intelligent Wind Estimation for CBRN Agent Tracking and Localization, outlines methods to provide accurate wind estimates in urban and complex environments that can be used by […]

Barron Associates receives NIH Phase II Award to develop EMPATHIE Video Game for Middle School Students

Barron Associates is developing EMPATHIE, an educational game that provides an immersive experience into life with a motor disability and promotes design thinking and problem-solving related to the associated mobility challenges. The system leverages technology developed previously by Barron Associates, namely its novel video game interface, which implements a wireless electromyography (EMG) sensor as a […]

Barron Associates’ Hospital Fall Detection System Begins Laboratory Study

Falls represent a significant healthcare problem with substantial associated morbidity and mortality. In an inpatient environment, it is necessary to identify injurious falls quickly in order to reduce the potential for, and impact of, serious or fatal injuries. Falls are consistently the most frequently reported adverse event in hospitals; up to 20% of patients fall […]

Barron Associates receives Phase II Award to Develop Graph Neural Networks (GNN) for Collaborative UxS Applications

Barron Associates received a Phase II Applied SBIR award to continue its work entitled, Graph-based Collaborative Autonomy for Intelligent Agents. The primary goal of the project is to develop decentralized swarm behaviors using GNN methods to enable heterogeneous swarms of autonomous agents to adaptively collaborate, communicate, and formulate control actions in contested areas with limited […]